Cleaning Technique’s Offer for August

How high would you like us to go?

Reaching new heights in August!

The summer temperature has reached an all time high and now Cleaning Technique can help reach the places that you may have forgotten, but can be easily reached whilst the sun is shining. Before the storms and normal British weather resumes, why not take advantage of our special offer of 10% off Gutter Cleaning, this summer?
Have you ever considered the implications of blocked guttering? The main purpose of the guttering on the outside of your workplace, is to direct the rainfall from the building, protecting the outside brickwork, together with the foundations. If the gutters are cleared, this can avoid costly repairs and roof damage. In fact, as recently as last Autumn, we spent a large amount of time, cleaning flood damaged properties, some directly due to guttering being insufficiently clear, for the purpose of draining rain water.
Our Omnipole Guttervac system is a ladderless telescopic vaccum. It has a reach of 15metres, with the operative being safely on the ground, therefore meeting all health and safety requirements. It is designed to completely remove any debris fron the gutter, allowing rainwater to freely drain away.

All you need to do is contact us and ask our team to meet with you and prepare a free no obligation quote and you will recieve the 10% special discount.

If you would like an additional window cleaning quote at the same time, then combine the two and ensure your windows sparkle in the sun!

The Cleaning Technique Team