The Importance of Pat Testing the Vacuum on Your Business Premises
A PAT test (Portable Appliance Testing) is an inspection of some types of electrical appliance to check they are safe to use and prevent electrical accidents in the workplace.
A full PAT test should include both a visual inspection of the vacuum, checking for defects and a further test using specialist PAT testing equipment, to check earth continuity, lead polarity, and insulation resistance.

Once tested, a PAT testing label should be placed on the vacuum, clearly stating PASS or FAIL, the test date, the person testing and the contact details. Ideally there should be a record of these results.
PAT testing is not, in itself, a legal obligation. However, current UK legislation* states that businesses must maintain electrical equipment in a safe condition and employers have a responsibility to ensure the safety of employees and the public. Insurance companies will also want to see systems in place to meet this directive.
PAT testing is the standard method for meeting this requirement

There differing guidance on the frequency of PAT tests. However a risk assessment of the work environment should be carried out and the Health and Safety Executive recommend taking account of the following:
- manufacturer’s recommendation
- the age of the equipment
- frequency of use
- foreseeable misuse of the equipment
- any modifications or repairs
- the history of the item
If you decide to do your own PAT testing we would strongly recommend taking a PAT testing course as it’s important to perform the PAT tests correctly and invest in some PAT testing equipment.
Here at Cleaning Technique Ltd we ensure that every vacuum or floor cleaning machine is PAT tested before it is used on your business premises. Our Cleaning Operatives undertake regular visual inspections of the vacuums and we retest each appliance annually.
If you would like to know more about our cleaning services please contact us or visit
* The Health & Safety at Work Act 1974
* The Electricity at Work Regulations 1989
* The Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
* The Management of Health & Safety at Work Regulations 1999