How do responsive contracts build a better business?
Having had over 35 years working in the cleaning industry we have seen what it takes to have longevity in a competitive sector. I firmly believe maintaining a good relationship with your client and being responsive to their needs is the key to retaining contracts. Our mission statement and ethos reflect how important we view tailoring our cleaning service to the changing business needs of our clients.

During the Pandemic, we took the decision to allow companies who were struggling to reduce their payments despite them having signed contracts stipulating a higher amount. Pure capitalists could argue that being willing to allow businesses to reduce their contracted services during an economic slow-down shows a lack of business acumen. However, we want to argue that responsive contracts build better businesses long-term.
How does responsiveness build a better business?
1. It deepens the relationship with our clients.
A willingness to show compassion and flexibility during a time when everyone in our nation was suffering to some degree deepened our relationship with our clients. This is evidenced by the high proportion of clients who restarted their contracts with us once the Third Lockdown ended. 95% of our clients who reduced their contracted hours during the last 18 months have stayed loyal to us once the economy started to open up.
2. It creates the possibility of providing additional services.
Also, although some of our clients paused or reduced their cleaning service, a significant number required additional cleaning, which allowed us to build on this side of our business. You cannot predict what new opportunities will grow out of strong working relationships.
3. It builds a better team.
It is not just our strong relationships with our clients that have built a strong business. None of the above flexibility in our service could be offered without our amazing team of operatives. They are responsive and flexible when I need them to be. Employing local operatives helps us ensure flexibility as they are in a close geographical area and can respond quickly to our clients’ needs.
4. It promotes good mental health.
In discussions with our clients, we are able to give our team flexibility in their working hours, to fit around their other commitments. This helps them create a good work-life balance which improves their mental health and well-being.
So, how do business owners go about building a responsive, flexible contract service? Here are our top tips.
How to build a responsive contract service:
1. Close listening to the client’s needs
As we draw up a quote for a client, I listen to what the client wants to achieve from their cleaning service, and this often gives me an estimate of their budget. The schedule, along with frequency and timings of the service are tailored to the client’s needs. Flexibility on our part is key in this initial process, as clients may require certain areas to be cleaned by certain times or on specific days and these days may differ during the month.
2. Responsive cleaning contracts
We work closely with new clients once the cleaning operative has settled into their role and are always open to adjusting the schedule and costs if the premises require additional or fewer requirements. We have a willingness to be flexible as our client’s needs change and are determined to provide responsive cleaning services.
3. Additional services that complement their package
There can be many reasons why clients require additional cleaning services:
- After a spillage
- A detailed deep clean before important meetings or visitors
- A positive Covid-19 result on site
- An event has led to mess collecting in an unusual place (e.g. if there has been an incidence of fly-tipping outside the client’s premises.
We have been proud to provide a truly flexible and responsive service during the Pandemic.
4. Flexibility and compassion during a national crisis
Whilst many clients were able to continue with full services during the Pandemic, some have needed to reduce their service in the face of the economic crisis we’ve all face. We offered them the option of paying a small retainer during the three National Lockdowns.
5. Maintaining communication
We have kept lines of communication open with companies that have found themselves in difficult circumstances over the last eighteen months. We are thrilled that 95% of our clients that put their cleaning requirements on hold have now restarted their service with us.
The past year has shown that our mission statement holds true: that Cleaning Technique offers a service tailored to the client’s business needs.
A flexible cleaning contract ensures adaptability whilst providing a bespoke service that is tailored to the client’s requirements. If you are interested in a bespoke cleaning contract that suits your business’s needs, contact us for a free consultation.