6 tips to help you keep your co-working space really clean
One thing that has really struck me over the last few years is how considerate the majority of British people have been to other people’s feelings around face masks and social distancing. Yes, there has been a loud minority who have not given thought to vulnerable people, but on the whole, the British public really got behind the protection of vulnerable people in our society.
As we emerge from the Pandemic, the legal restrictions may have been lifted, but a lot of sensible practices around personal hygiene have remained. This has really helped businesses to recover from the economic impact, as the additional measures help a larger number of people feel safe.
And with these established practices comes other changes to our work landscape – the increasing trend towards remote working.
The trend towards hybrid working
A recent poll by YouGov discovered that only a fifth of companies will expect workers to come into the office for five days a week following the Pandemic. Before 2020 it was as high as a third. With workers set to experience some increase in their choice to work remotely, lots of people are opting to hire co-working spaces so that they can enjoy a change of scenery whilst they work. There they can enjoy a quality Wi-Fi signal, unlimited coffee, access to conference facilities, and the chance to socialise.
Two co-working companies in our local area include The Kiln (@thekilnco) and Kingsway House (@KingswayHouse). As I have researched this blog, I have been really impressed with the range of flexibility and access to resources that they offer.
How can co-working spaces ensure that they provide reassurance that their environment is clean and hygienic for their patrons? After all, to build brand loyalty and secure recurring use of your product, it is essential that your service users have an exceptional experience whilst using your facilities. Cleanliness will be a very important part of that, as will their feeling of being safe. From our experience working with a vast range of companies, here are our top 6 tips to ensuring your co-working space is really clean.
1. Keep Records
It is important that co-working places keep records of who is coming in and out of the building so that they can inform people if there are any outbreaks of illnesses such as Covid-19 or Norovirus.
2. Establish house guidelines
Although it should go without saying, sometimes people need a little reminder that respect is a two-way road. Everyone should have the right to work in a positive environment, and little things like throwing away your own rubbish or cleaning up little spills go towards a general framework of respect for others.
Some co-working buildings have a set of terms and conditions that users have to sign, but putting physical signs up around the building can also help reinforce expectations.
3. Disinfect throughout the day
High-traffic areas such as washrooms, coffee-making facilities, or kitchenettes will require cleaning throughout the day in order to ensure they are kept in a suitable condition. Touchpoints such as handles, elevator buttons, and stairway banisters are the areas where illnesses can be spread the most easily, so ensure that they are cleaned regularly with antiviral and antibacterial cleaner.
4. Adequate waste management
Rather than provide every desk with a bin, thereby cluttering up the office floor and increasing the time required for waste removal, have central recycling and bin system for each room or floor. This puts the emphasis on service users to dispose of their waste properly themselves and saves the cleaning operative time as all the waste is in one place.
Just a reminder too, there is a legal requirement for all spaces to have adequate feminine hygiene waste disposal. So, make sure you are meeting the requirement.
5. Adequate ventilation
Ensure that windows are opened regularly to allow for the circulation of fresh air. This reduces the risk of transmission of air-born illnesses inside. Ensuring not too many people are crammed into one room can also help.
6. Ask the professionals
I have written before on the cost-effectiveness of using external professional cleaning companies to ensure that your office is clean and presentable. It can have a range of impacts, from helping you scale faster as a business, improving staff productivity, to saving you money. You can find all the benefits here. But above all, professional cleaning companies have extensive experience of high-quality cleaning across a vast range of sectors and industries. It means that they have detailed knowledge of mitigating the risk of spreading germs and can put this knowledge into practice in your building.
Co-working spaces are a growing industry and the trend is set to continue. Companies now see the advantages of hybrid working for attracting the best talent. This trend is set to continue, now that people are not limited to their geographical location for work.
But with increased use comes increased mess. We hope that our top tips help give you a little insight into how to maintain an exceptionally clean space for your clients. We hope this will ensure that they love their experience and return for more.