Brick dust and germs | Our Factory Cleaning Services
Our factory cleaning services have long been enjoyed by Baggeridge Brick, one of our area’s local employers. The company has a very interesting history.
In 2007 Wienerberger, an Austrian brick manufacturer bought out the Baggeridge Brick factory sites in Hartlebury, Kidderminster. Baggeridge Brick has a rich history of brick making in the West Midlands. The company’s origins can be traced back to 1936 when the Earl of Dudley’s Baggeridge Colliery Company, began using the clay by-product of its mining activities to make bricks. Baggeridge Brick then became a spin-off company in 1944. Many locals still refer to it as “Baggeridge Brick Works”. We have been pleased to partner with them for the last two decades, before and after their acquisition by Wienerberger.
What was the client’s problem?
In the Autumn of 2006, Baggeridge Brick owned two sites in Hartlebury near Kidderminster. These busy sites produce millions of bricks per year. When we were first approached for a cleaning contract quotation it was for both sites, but as production slowed and Wienerberger acquired the sites, we remained responsible for the cleaning at the Hartlebury Works.
The site includes factory space, along with offices and factory workers’ shower and washroom facilities. The shower block requires cleaning five times per week and the office and meeting rooms, twice weekly.
During all these changes to their business, the management’s need for robust cleaning of their site remained unchanged.

What was our solution?
As is our procedure, Sean conducted a site visit to familiarise himself with their requirements and provide a detailed quote and schedule of areas.
After the quote was accepted, we commenced induction of our two operatives in the form of site-specific training.
This is a large site, and the factory area is very dusty. Our expansive knowledge of health and safety requirements at work, ensures we prioritise and train our operatives to keep them safe on site. PPE and special head and footwear were provided.
One operative cleans the shower, changing, and washroom facilities, along with a small factory office and multiple walkways. Our other operative cleans the offices, which include toilet facilities alongside the offices and meeting rooms. Our operatives, often work around Wienerberger’s own staff, as this site is in use 24 hours a day.
Regular quality meetings and factory walks are scheduled with Wienerberger’s management. Adjustments have been made as the site has changed (especially during Covid-19) and this has affected the number of hours the operatives work. But a quality service, that is reliable and trustworthy is always provided.
The Result
Wienerberger is committed to manufacturing quality brick products for the UK’s thriving building industry, there is an expectation that Cleaning Technique will provide a quality service to assist them in this. We are proud our operatives ensure Wienerberger’s Hartlebury Site has clean and hygienic facilities for their staff and visitors.