How do we make sure your property is always cleaned well? | Our quality control process

Many of our client’s testimonies include a story about their previous cleaning contractor. Often it is not an encouraging tale! Incomplete, inconsistent, or lackluster work has forced the company to look elsewhere for business. Obviously, we are thrilled that our clients have then found a home with us! But, on a professional level, I am […]

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Why professional cleaning should be part of your planned preventative maintenance schedule.

Preventative maintenance is the practice of monitoring assets regularly to identify any potential maintenance needs before a disruption occurs. The aim is to keep all machinery in good working order so as to optimise production and prolong the life of all assets. As a business owner, you may not consider professional cleaning to be something […]

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5 reasons why outsourcing your cleaning services is good for business

With the economy opening up, and businesses looking for ways to become more efficient and safer post-Covid, we are convinced that outsourcing your cleaning services to a professional cleaning company can free up precious time that may allow your business to become more profitable in the long run. Outsourcing is the practice of using outside […]

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